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6in hoop
printed pattern to stitch
6 strand embroidery floss: light yellow, dark yellow, dark brown, orange brown, light green, medium green, dark green
-you will need scissors
optional to help thread your needle:
-needle threader
Setting up
-Unscrew the metal part of your embroidery hoop to separate the two rings
-set your smaller hoop on a table or flat surface
-lay the fabric overtop, centering the print in the hoop
-slip the larger hoop on top, sandwiching the fabric between the hoops.
-tighten the screw, pulling on the edges of the fabric to keep it taunt and work out wrinkles
Thread your needle
-Cut about 24inches of our first thread color, gold
-tie at least 2 overhand knots on top of each other at the end of the thread
-thread the opposite end of the thread through the tip of your needle
Tying off stitches
when you have 4-6in of thread left, stop stitching so you have enough thread left to tie a knot
-flip your hoop over
-stab through a nearby stitch but don’t pull thread all the way through, leave a small loop
-insert your needle through the thread loop
-pull your thread tightly to create a knot
-repeat steps one more time
yellow thread
Star Stitch
white thread
white thread
Satin Stitch
white thread
Fly Stitch
green thread
optional - black thread
I included black thread incase you would like to go back in and stitch over the bill and pupils of the owls eyes. you can also use this in creative ways like creating a double outline around the owl, adding stars, stripes to its feathers, ect.
Finish the Hoop
If you’d like to display your embroidery in the hoop itself as a wall hanging,
-flip your hoop over
-make large (like basting) stitches around the edges of the fabric
-slowly pull them tight
-knot and cut thread
Embroidery Resources:
Check out our Embroidery Gallery for ideas + examples of how to apply your stitches to other flowers
Browse other Embroidery Kits + Classes
Explore Stitches with :
Make your own pattern: A Guide to Fabric Marking Tools
Needle Threading Tips from the Embroidery School of London
Other Owl Art!
Embroidery Artist Inspiration