When will my order ship?

We ship out orders once a week, often more frequently. If you haven’t received a shipping notification within a week of your order date, feel free to get in touch with us at info@solsticehandmade.com.

Yes! you will see the option at checkout

Pickup available within the week at Luna Gallery: 20 Artful Way #102 in the River Arts District of Asheville NC. Currently open 11-4 Monday, Wednesday-Saturday. You will receive an email when your order is ready for you at the gallery

Do you offer local pickup

exchanges available locally at Luna Gallery, please email me to setup an exchange!

all sales final

If an item received is damaged, defective, or incorrect (wrong size, print, color), we’re happy to correct a mistakes on our part, just let us know by reaching out at info@solsticehandmade.com.

Can I return or exchange something I ordered?

Right now we offer custom printing of a few designs at a time, where you can mail in or drop off a clothing item of your choice to be printed. A great way to be sure of good fit!

I am also open to freelance illustration work especially for non profits, educational or conservation orgs, as well as editorial projects. Email me at dayna@solsticehandmade.com to chat!

Do you take custom requests?

What do I do if I have issues with shipping?

If you have an issue with the shipment or delivery of your order, please contact your local post office